Our oceans are in crisis. Whales, in particular, have been in grave danger in recent years. Six out of thirteen of the great whale species are currently classified as endangered and unfortunately, the problems they are facing aren’t going to resolve on their own. While it seems like an enormous challenge to save these gentle giants, it’s up to us to make changes in both our lifestyles and environmental policies.
It’s not a question of why we should save the whales, but how to do it. We believe that together, we can make a difference. Start small by integrating some of the suggestions below into your daily life. Learn, be aware of the issues, and share as much information you can to help the whales before it’s too late.
Boycott Single-Use Plastic
Starting small, you can take a look at your home and the products you use. Make a list of items that are made from single-use plastic. Plastic bags, straws, and bottles are some of the most obvious items, but there are plenty of other things made of disposable plastic. Plastic shampoo bottles, razors, and toothbrushes are items you might find in your bathroom, for example. Once you have used up these items, make a point to buy eco-friendly alternatives next time. While this takes some planning, it is completely doable and is very worth it. You’ll know that you are no longer contributing to the pollution that is clogging up the oceans and threatening the lives of whales, turtles, fish, and sea birds.
Be Mindful About Where Your Fish Comes From
Ideally, you should try to cut back on your consumption of fish as our oceans are currently suffering from overfishing. However, it is hard to make such a large change to your diet and is not practical for many people. Instead, be more mindful about where you buy your fish. Unfortunately, there is no 100% guarantee that a fish has been farmed or caught in a sustainable way, but certain fisheries are definitely better than others. You can look for certifications from organizations like the Marine Stewardship Council as a sign that the fish has been acquired by more sustainable means.
Organize a Beach Clean Up
Become an activist in your community by organizing a beach clean up where you and your friends pick up garbage littering the sand and water. There are around 6.4 million tons of trash dumped in the ocean each year, according to the United Nations Environment Program. This is a startling number, but don’t let that discourage you from trying to reduce it. If everyone cared enough to pick up trash on their local beach once a week or a month, there would be far less trash in the ocean.
Report Dead or Injured Whales Immediately
If you see an injured, distressed, stranded or deceased whale, it’s very important that you contact coastal authorities to let them know immediately. If the animal is injured or stranded, you might be able to save their life by getting the right people involved to help them. If they are deceased, it is likely that the marine station or a research institution will study them to identify how they died and if it could have been prevented. This data can help protect other whales from suffering the same fate, so it’s really important to report what you see.
Support Marine Conservation Organizations
Wondering how to save the whales on a larger scale? There are lots of ways to lend a hand to marine conservation organizations, from volunteering to spreading the word and donating directly. Here are a few ways you can help the whales:
- Sign petitions by marine conservation organizations to protest and increase protections for whales
- Volunteer locally, nationally, or internationally
- Engage in conversations on social media with the organizations
- Spread the word with friends and peers
Donate directly to the cause
Purchase Items that Benefit Whale Conservation
In addition to donating directly to marine conservation efforts, you can contribute to the cause by making mindful purchases on items like wildlife jewelry. For example, Fahlo has a beautiful collection of jewelry benefitting marine species, like dolphins, sea turtles, and sharks - a portion of sales proceeds goes directly to conservation organizations. Proceeds from The Odyssey Bracelet will go to the FIU Marine Conservation Ecology Lab to save the dolphins and promote marine life conservation. And with The Voyage Bracelet, you can save vulnerable sharks in the wild by contributing to Saving the Blue, which aims to recover and restore a variety of threatened marine species.