When you think of loud animals, roaring lions or howling wolves might come to mind. But the animal kingdom has many contenders for the title of the loudest animal and each uses its powerful voice for communication, hunting, or defense.
In this article, we’ll explore the 11 of the loudest animals in the world. Along the way, we’ll answer questions like “what is the loudest animal in the world?” and “what is the loudest animal to the human ear?”
Let’s get started!
What is the Loudest Animal in the World?
1. Sperm Whale
What is the loudest animal to the human ear? The sperm whale holds the title for being arguably the loudest animal on the planet! These massive marine mammals produce clicks that can reach a staggering 230 decibels. Their clicks not only make them possibly the loudest animal on Earth, but they’re also essential for communication within their groups. Without a doubt, if you’re wondering what is the world’s loudest animal, the sperm whale is a prime contender.
2. Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Next on our list of noisy animals is the tiger pistol shrimp. This shrimp snaps its claw shut at such speed that it creates a bubble, which then collapses to produce a sound reaching around 218 decibels. While the shrimp is tiny, its sound is anything but, earning it a spot among the loudest animals in the world.
3. African Elephant
The African elephant is the largest of Africa’s big 5 animals, and it makes sure to be heard with a trumpet that can reach up to 117 decibels. Their trumpets are not only used for communication, but also as warnings to potential threats. The sheer power and volume of an elephant’s call make it one of the loudest animals on land.
4. Northern Elephant Seal
During the breeding season, the northern elephant seal becomes one of the loudest animals in the world. Here’s a fun fact about male northern elephant seals: they use their loud, guttural bellows, which can reach up to 131 decibels, to assert dominance and attract mates. While often compared to sea lions, elephant seals truly stand out in their ability to fill the air with booming sounds that echo across their colonies.
5. African Lion
The African lion is known for its powerful roar. It can reach up to 114 decibels and be heard from a distance of up to 5 miles (8 kilometers). The lion’s roar is a critical tool for communication within the pride and serves to ward off intruders or potential rivals. The undisputed king of the jungle is one of the loudest animals in the world you’re likely to hear on a safari.
6. Gray Wolf
What is the loudest animal in the world to the human ear? It might be the gray wolf, which is famed for its haunting howl that can travel up to 10 miles (16 kilometers) through the wilderness. Wolves use their howls to communicate with their pack, coordinate hunts, and warn intruders to stay away from their territory.
7. Bottlenose Dolphin
The bottlenose dolphin is a smart marine mammal known for its loud vocalizations. Dolphins produce whistles that can reach up to 163 decibels for communication and echolocation. These vocalizations are essential for navigating the ocean and hunting in groups and make the bottlenose dolphin one of the loudest animals in the world.
8. Howler Monkey
What is the loudest animal in the world in the primate kingdom? That’ll be the howler monkey. Known as the loudest primate, the howler monkey can produce a call that resonates through the dense forests of Central and South America. Howler monkeys use their loud voices to mark territory and communicate with other groups. Their howls are an iconic sound of the jungle and place them firmly among the loudest animals in the world.
9. Green Grocer Cicada
The green grocer cicada is one of the loudest animals in the world of the insect variety. Their loud call happens to be a key part of their reproductive strategy. These cicadas emerge in large numbers during the mating season and fill the air with their distinctive noise. The sound is produced by rapidly vibrating membranes on their abdomens called tymbals.
10. Screaming Piha
In the rainforests of the Amazon, the screaming piha stands out as one of the loudest animals in the world. Its sharp, piercing call can be heard throughout the dense forest. The screaming piha uses its loud call to attract mates and establish territory, which makes it an unforgettable part of the Amazonian soundscape.
11. White Bellbird
As one of the loudest animals in the world, the white bellbird holds the record for the loudest bird call. It reaches an ear-piercing 125 decibels. Found in the mountains of northern Brazil, the male white bellbird uses its powerful call to attract females during the breeding season. The call is so loud that it can be heard over long distances.
Protecting the Roar of the Wild
These loudest animals in the world demonstrate that in nature, sound is power. From the deep sea clicks of the sperm whale to the echoing howls of the gray wolf, these creatures use their voices to survive and thrive in their environments. Their vocalizations remind us of the incredible diversity and adaptability of life on Earth.
At Fahlo, we’re committed to ensuring that the world’s loudest animals continue to thrive for future generations. That’s why we’ve teamed up with nonprofit organizations to create bracelets that let you track a real animal in the wild.
Since beginning our mission in 2018, we’ve donated millions of dollars to wildlife conservation efforts. Our bracelets offer a hands-on tracking experience designed to educate and inspire a passion for protecting wildlife. Join us in embracing the wild and making a meaningful impact.