5 Animal Characteristics & Traits That Are Similar To Humans

5 Animal Characteristics & Traits That Are Similar To Humans

We humans tend to be a little full of ourselves. We think we are special and that we are separate from the many other types of animals with which we share the planet.Ā 

Sure, we can do things like build skyscrapers and send people to space. But when we look at the characteristics of animals compared to humans, we are not as different from other animals as we may think.Ā 

When we look at their behavior, we often see animal characteristics that seem very human. In fact, it could be argued that these are animal traits in humans instead of the other way around.

Our similarities are just one of many reasons why itā€™s important to safeguard the existence of all creatures who share this world with us. Animals play an important role, giving us better insight into who we are and even what it means to be human.

Recognizing these similarities is also why we at Fahlo do the work that we do. Along with spreading hope, weā€™re committed to supporting and spreading awareness toward the preservation of wildlife

In this post, we are going to look at some animal traits that show us that they are more like us than many of us know.Ā 


Humans say a lot with our body language. In many cases, the point of a verbal statement might not make sense if not for the accompanying gestures.Ā 

One thing that is clear when delving into animal characteristics is that many creatures, not just humans, use different types of body language to communicate.Ā 

For many animals, body language is simple. A change in posture can indicate that an animal is uneasy or excited.Ā 

However, when you look at our fellow primates, you see animal and human similarities are remarkably evident. Animals similar to humans like chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and monkeys have all been observed using different gestures to communicate.


When examining what makes animals similar to humans, culture is one thing most people would assume to be uniquely human. We create music, write poetry, practice religion and adhere to fashion trends.Ā 

These are parts of culture, but they are not everything. Culture is simply the characteristics of a group and a way of living that is shared among those in the group.Ā 

In terms of characteristics of animals compared to humans, it might not be as sophisticated in other animals. But thereā€™s no doubt that culture is there.

Take orcas for example. You have resident orcas, which tend to stick to the same waters and transient orcas that tend to travel farther.Ā 

But those are not the only differences. Though they often share the same waters and commonly interbreed, these two kinds of orcas have animal characteristics that demonstrate very different ways of living.Ā 

They hunt differently and have different diets. Transient and resident orcas even have different social structures.Ā 

This variance in behaviors and lifestyles between orcas indicates the depth and richness of animals with human characteristics. It also shows the broad spectrum of culture in the animal kingdom.


Humans love their tools. Even those of us who do not consider ourselves to be tool people use tools all the time. If you have picked up a knife and fork, you are a tool user.Ā 

In the spectrum of what makes animals similar to humans, tool use is another one of the animal traits that make animals more like us. Itā€™s one trait of animals that make them remarkably similar to us.

One obvious example of animals with human characteristics is chimpanzees.Theyā€™re known to use rocks to crack open nuts.Ā 

Beyond primates, there are birds that are animals with human characteristics. You also have some crows that are known to create little spears and hooks out of twigs.Ā 

They then use these tools to help them eat grubs. If birds are making tools, you can see that it is an animal trait that is not even unique to primates.


Emotions help us connect with each other and they help us navigate the varied circumstances that we encounter throughout our lives. But itā€™s not just humans that experience this.Ā 

If you think animals canā€™t experience emotions, you would be wrong. In terms of animal and human similarities, many species have deep emotional experiences.Ā 

Our fellow primates are animals that are similar to humans who provide perfect examples. Chimpanzees have been observed to hop with excitement when something amazes or surprises them.Ā 

We have also seen some species that have funeral behaviors and grief associated with the death of an animal they care about. There have also been instances in which chimpanzees and baboons have taken revenge when they felt they have been wronged.

These instances underline the intricate characteristics of animals compared to humans in regards to emotional responses. Theyā€™re vivid reminders that emotions are animal traits in humans as much as they are human traits in animals.


Humans theorize about moral codes and we make laws to uphold different ideas of morality. While animals might not be able to codify their morals or enforce them by way of law, many species have shown that they have ideas about fairness and right and wrong.

In some studies, chimpanzees have been shown to prefer sharing food over keeping it all for themselves. This echoes similar characteristics of animals compared to humans.

Even rats have been shown to exhibit moral behaviors. In one study, rats were given the option to open a container with chocolate or one that appeared to hold another rat in distress. Given the choice, most rats will choose to free the other rat before going to the container with chocolate.

Even if theyā€™re not codified in the same ways, the fact that morals are present in other species is a huge revelation in terms of animal and human similarities. It proves that there are deep-seated animal characteristics that align closely with human values.


Itā€™s evident that the line between animal characteristics and human behaviors is thin. From body language, shared cultures, tool usage, emotional depth, and an inherent sense of morality, the traits of animals echo deeply within us.Ā 

Animal and human similarities exist. This understanding underscores something profound thatā€™s important to acknowledge while simultaneously challenging our perceptions. It urges us to consider that animals with human characteristics could easily be true if thought of the other way around.

At Fahlo, we cherish the remarkable characteristics of animals compared to humans and champion the cause of conservation. Celebrating the profound animal characteristics in humans and vice versa drives our commitment to safeguarding these incredible creatures.

Since 2018, weā€™ve been donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to save wildlife around the world. Weā€™ve done so by creating bracelets that come with real animals to track, which we hope educates and excites people like you about the need for conservation.

Consider exploring our wide range of bracelets, and be part of an effort that preserves a world with animals that are similar to humans for generations to come.
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