Wildlife Collections becomes Fahlo

Wildlife collections is now Fahlo

The word is out, Wildlife Collections is now Fahlo! We’ve been selling our amazing tracking bracelets since 2018 and thanks to your purchases we’ve been able to grow, save endangered animals and preserve wildlife.

Our core concept stays the same: each bracelet comes with a card that includes a picture of your animal, as well as their name, history, and a QR code you scan that links to the tracking map. 

Trackers are applied by the conservation organizations Fahlo partners with. These trackers are used to monitor the animal’s migration patterns, among other factors, so that researchers can learn more about them and how to help them survive.

A portion of all proceeds at Fahlo is donated to our wildlife preservation partners: the Sea Turtle Conservancy, Save the Elephants, the Orca Research Trust, Polar Bears International and Saving the Blue.

Through our exclusive partnership with the Sea Turtle Conservancy, we have donated almost $300,000 to conservation programs. We’ve also donated more than $100,000 to Save the Elephants. In April, our Journey Bracelet was included in the Good Morning America Deals green box.

Why are we changing our name?

Our original name, Wildlife Collections, made it sound like we were just a company that made wildlife jewelry, leaving out what made our jewelry unique: Our bracelets allow you to follow an animal in the wild. The name “Fahlo” is pronounced like the word “follow,” evoking the tracking nature of our bracelets and more accurately summing up our unique concept.

So, what’s new?

  • Our gorgeous new logo highlights Fahlo’s true purpose: combining a sunset and a tracking beacon, it emphasizes our focus on raising awareness of wildlife preservation with technology.
  • Our new website isn’t only getting a makeover, it will feature more of our non-profit partners so you can better understand the impact your purchases and how you’re helping saving wildlife. Be ready to see our new look across all social media as well!
  • In November, we’ll be launching our biggest project ever since we started, so make sure you follow us on social media and are subscribed to our newsletter. We can’t wait to share the exciting news with you!

We still have so many adventures ahead of us, excited to have you on board!

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