Our oceans are a vibrant ecosystem, home to a myriad of endangered sea animals. And in 2024, the fight to save these endangered species in the ocean has become more urgent than ever.
From the walrus to bluefin tuna, this article highlights 15 endangered ocean animals. We’ll address the critical need to save these endangered ocean species and offer steps we can take to save their habitats.
What Sea Animals are Endangered?
The survival of the below endangered sea animals is a critical indicator of the health of our oceans.
1. Vaquita
Vaquitas are some of the world's most endangered sea animals because of pollution and bycatch. Found in the northern Gulf of California, these small porpoises exemplify the fragility of marine ecosystems.
2. Blue Whale
The majestic blue whale is one of the largest endangered ocean animals. They face threats from ship strikes and changes in climate affecting their krill food supply. Conservation efforts for these giants are vital for ocean health.
3. Manatees
These gentle giants of the sea are among the top endangered species in the ocean. Manatees face huge habitat loss due to boat strikes. Their survival is crucial for maintaining diverse marine ecosystems.
4. Hawaiian Monk Seal
These seals unique to the Hawaiian Islands are a critical part of this list of endangered ocean species. Human disturbances and habitat loss are major threats to their survival.
5. Polar Bears
As Arctic ice melts due to climate change, polar bears lose their primary habitat. This apex predator, symbolizing the fragility of our ecosystem, needs urgent action to survive.
6. Hector's Dolphins
Hector's dolphins face risks from entanglement in fishing nets. Native to New Zealand, their protection is key in preserving marine biodiversity.
7. Beluga Whale
Beluga whales inhabit Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. They’re counted among the endangered species in the ocean due to climate change and increasing shipping traffic in their habitats.
8. Sawfish
Sawfish are a crucial yet endangered ocean species. Habitat loss and bycatch are leading to their alarming decline.
9. Manta Ray
Manta rays are known as the graceful gliders of the ocean. But they’ve become endangered sea animals primarily due to targeted fishing for their gill plates and bycatch in other fisheries.
10. Green Sea Turtle
Easily identifiable by their non-retractable heads, green sea turtles have become endangered ocean animals due to threats from habitat loss and illegal trade.
11. Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic puffins and their striking beaks are an example of sea animals that are going extinct. Overfishing and climate change are major threats to their survival.
12. Penguins
Climate change and overfishing have severely impacted penguin populations. These charismatic birds require cold environments and abundant fish, both of which are increasingly scarce.
13. Walrus
Walruses are facing habitat loss due to melting sea ice. Now considered endangered sea animals because of pollution and climate change, their conservation is increasingly important.
14. Hammerhead Shark
Recognizable for their unique head shape, hammerhead sharks are an important yet endangered ocean species. They too are threatened by overfishing and bycatch.
15. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
These tunas are highly sought after for sushi. This makes them endangered sea animals due to overfishing and illegal fishing practices.
As important as the oceans are, so many of us spend very little time thinking about the effects our actions have on the seas. The ocean and the marine wildlife we’ve discussed in this post are important to maintaining a healthy planet.
Fortunately, there is a lot we can do to save the ocean and endangered sea animals. If we all do our part, we can save the seas and possibly reverse some of the damage that has already been done.
Let’s now look at some key steps for how to save the ocean and marine wildlife.
Seafood is a vital source of food for many people from around the world. While this food source is vital, irresponsible fishing practices are putting endangered ocean species at risk. Along with that, problems with bycatch pose a threat to a range of sea animals that are going extinct.
When harvested responsibly, fishing can be sustainable. If you are going to eat seafood, you need to look for labels that indicate sustainable practices. You can also use a variety of resources from ocean conservation organizations to learn more about buying sustainable seafood.
When it comes to climate change, we tend to focus on the ways it will affect us. While the effects on land are important, climate change will also have a disastrous impact on oceans and endangered sea animals. If you are looking for ways to conserve the ocean, reducing your energy consumption can be one of the most important steps you take.
Limiting energy consumption is not hard. It just requires being a little more thoughtful in your day-to-day life. Here are 4 things you can do:
- Leave your car at home and choose to walk or bike when you can.
- Make sure to turn off lights and appliances when you are not using them.
- Switch to energy-efficient lighting like LEDs or compact fluorescents.
- You should also make efficiency a primary concern when buying new appliances or a new car.
Once pitched as a wonder of the modern world, it is now known that disposable plastics cause far more problems than they solve, especially for endangered species in the ocean. In many cases, these endangered marine animals will accidentally eat the plastics and this can cause them to choke or it can result in a blockage to their digestive system.
Eliminating single-use plastics can be one of the best steps to take if you want to save our seas and protect endangered sea animals because of pollution. To start, buy reusable bags instead of using plastic bags when you go shopping. You could also stop using plastic straws and disposable plastic cups.
Beach litter is another problem for the oceans as well as endangered marine animals. People spend a day at the beach and then leave their trash behind. Most of this trash will end up in the ocean, and it can be a problem for sea life. To save the ocean, we all need to take the time to care for our beaches.
First, be a responsible beachgoer. Clean up all of your trash when you go to the beach. You could also spend a little time cleaning up after others who were not as responsible as you. If you want to take saving the ocean and protecting endangered sea animals to the next level, you could also volunteer with groups that organize beach cleanup days.
Most of us don’t think much of it when we see products that exploit endangered sea animals. This might include jewelry made from coral shells or items made from sea turtle shells. People often encounter these types of products for sale when they go on vacation. As attractive as some of these items might be, they are bad for endangered marine animals and bad for ocean ecosystems.
In addition to avoiding products that exploit sea animals that are going extinct, you could also consider buying products that support ocean conservation. Along with the jewelry from Fahlo, shoppers can find a range of products that support conservation of endangered ocean species.
These are just a few of the things you can do to conserve the oceans. Shop our full range of wildlife conservation jewelry for products that contribute to protecting endangered animals. You can also learn more about these causes by visiting the websites of our partner organizations.