Fahlo Blog

15 Prehistoric Animals Still Alive Today Roaming Our Planet

What if we told you that creatures from millions of years ago are still roaming our planet today? The truth is that the existence of such prehist...

10 Whale Shark Facts: Learn About the World's Largest Fish

Whale sharks are the world’s largest fish and have long captivated our imagination with their majestic size and generally docile nature. Understan...

17 Biggest Animals In the Ocean: Wonder Awaits

In this article, we’ll deep dive into 17 of the biggest ocean animals based on different species. Uncover with us the remarkable adaptations that...

10 Hammerhead Shark Species In Our Big Ocean Blue!

When it comes to sharks, the hammerhead species is no doubt one of the most fascinating of the lot. Their unique head shape, known as a cephalofoi...

Threats to Elephants: Dangers Facing African Elephants

As one of the smartest animals in the world, elephants play a critical role in maintaining the balance of African ecosystems. But from African Bus...

What Are Ecosystem Engineers? 5 Best Eco Engineers In Nature

Our planet’s ecosystems are delicately balanced and have countless species interacting to maintain stability and support life. Among them are cert...

7 Most Friendly Animals in the World (Surprise Awaits)!

There's something truly magical about encountering friendly animals in the wild or even in captivity. While some are well-known for their amiable ...

Are Manatees Dangerous Or Are They Truly Gentle Giants?

Manatees are often dubbed as "gentle giants" of the sea. When you think about them, manatees evoke images of serene creatures gracefully gliding ...

10 Fascinating Manatee Facts You Need To Know!

Often known as the cows of the sea, manatees captivate us with their gentle nature and slow-moving grace. Beyond their charm, there are many mana...

10 Solutions To Deforestation: How To Save The Rainforest

Deforestation continues to happen at an alarming rate around the globe. This is especially the case in vital ecosystems like the Amazon, which ran...

Most Protective Animal Fathers: 9 Best Dads In The Animal Kingdom

When we think of nurturing in the animal kingdom, it's often maternal instincts that steal the spotlight. But equally impressive and deserving of ...

Turtle Vs Tortoise: Difference Between A Turtle And Tortoise Explained

Have you ever wondered about the differences between turtles and tortoises? While both may seem similar at a glance, several distinctions set them...